
Sheffield Cathedral Chapter and all who serve here seek to promote the wholeness of every person within God’s loving purpose for us all. We want to make this a safe place for every member of the church community, whatever their age. We understand that it is the responsibility of each one of us to protect children, young people and adults from physical, emotional and sexual abuse, and from neglect. Together we can build a community where everyone can flourish.

The Cathedral has as far as possible adopted the policies and procedures of the House of Bishops and the Diocese of Sheffield. We have adapted these policies to our own structure of governance and routines, to ensure that they take our particular circumstances into account. 

You can download our safeguarding handbook here.

You can read our SCIE report here.

For all enquiries about safeguarding or to report a concern, please email:

The Chapter Safeguarding Lead is Dean Abi Thompson, Email:

To report a safeguarding concern please contact the Cathedral and Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser Sian Checkley and her team:

Cathedral and Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, Siȃn Checkley

Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser Elina Penttila

Assistant Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser Rachel Tankard

Or contact one of the following confidential services:

Childline, for young people and children - 0800 1111

Sheffield City Safeguarding - 0114 2734567

South Yorkshire Police - 101

Thirtyone:eight - 0303 003 11 11 (urgent out of hours Safeguarding advice)