Canon Missioner Keith Farrow contemplates what it means for the Cathedral to truly be a place for all people.
23rd September 2018: Sharing Hope
The Very Revd Peter Bradley, the Dean of the Cathedral, reflects on what it looks like to share the story of the Gospel in our society.
16th September 2018: Way of Love
What difference would it make if 1/3 of the world woke up tomorrow and followed Jesus in the way of love?
Malcolm Chamberlain, the Archdeacon of Sheffield and Rotherham, wonders whether we’ve missed the point if we feel too comfortable in our faith and explores the question in this week’s podcast.
9th September 2018: The Key to Life
On this Sunday of welcome, fellowship and promises, Canon Keith Farrow hands away the key to life - or a symbol of it, at any rate!
2nd September 2018: Perfectly Imperfect
Peter Bradley, Dean of Sheffield Cathedral reminisces back to the 'Hat Wars' in Ireland in the 70s in this week's podcast.
Peter encourages us to celebrate what is life-giving no matter where it is found and reminds us that we are all loved in the midst of all our mess and hypocrisy.
26th August 2018: Two Kingdoms
Water pistols, pacifism, love and poetry...
Revd Dr Beth Keith reflects on the ways the message of Christ challenges culture and challenges us to act differently.
19th August 2018: Authentic Community
What are the foundations of our communities?
Revd Canon Chris Burke explores Paul's invitation to the church in Ephesus to join in authentic community with each other and God.
12th August 2018: Bread of Life
Revd Canon Keith Farrow contemplates Jesus' well-known words; I am the bread of life.
5th August 2018: All You Need
The Dean of Sheffield Cathedral celebrates the joy of baptism and encourages us to look for God right now, for he is already giving us all that we need.
29th July 2018: Love, love, love...
Bishop Pete reflects on the importance of love and community in our lives and faith.
And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
- Ephesians 3
22nd July 2018: Come Away
‘Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.’ Mark 6:31
Revd Captain Ian Maher explores balance, rest and work in the light of the life and example of Jesus.
15th July 2018: Roughshod
Theatre company Roughshod end their week-long residency at the Cathedral with a dramatic Sunday sermon.
8th July 2018: Travel with the Gospel
Do you take the Gospel with you as your journey through your daily life?
Revd Canon Christopher Burke explores the invitation in the Bible to seek and see transformation by going out in the world with the message of the Gospel.
Ordinations at Sheffield Cathedral
We had the pleasure of hosting three Ordination Services over the weekend - do have a listen to the sermons from the services.
The sermons from the first two services are by Reverend Canon Jessica Martin. The sermon from the last service was by the Bishop of Maidstone the Rt Revd Rod Thomas.
24th June 2018: Focus on Christ
This week, the Very Revd Peter Bradley, Dean of Sheffield Cathedral reflects on the new painting by David Hepher and what it might tell us about our calling as Christians.
The Dean invites us to be a community of love, warmth and hope which extends a warm welcome to all and shares its faith through words and acts of service.
17th June 2018: The Gospel of the Suffering Christ
In this week’s podcast, the Dean explores Mark, the Gospel of the suffering Christ. The Dean invites us all to immerse ourselves in the Gospel of Mark and reflect on the message that we are profoundly loved and therefore of extraordinary value, no matter our circumstances.
10th June 2018: The View From the Pulpit
Canon Keith Farrow encourages us to look around and be as open and accepting of those around us as Christ is of us all.
"Here is your family. At the Lord's table, we are family."
20th May 2018: Pentecost Sunday
The Festival of Pentecost is our great festival. It marks liberation and change. When we celebrate Pentecost we remember the presence of the Spirit in our lives.
In this podcast, Bishop of Doncaster Peter Burrows reflects on the significance and gift of Pentecost Sunday.
10th May 2018: Feast of the Ascension
Peter Bradley, the Dean of Sheffield Cathedral, reminds us of the promise that was fulfilled on Ascension Day.
“Every human being can love God and be loved by God. ”
29th April 2018: Fruitfulness
God has green fingers...
Canon Keith Farrow explores fruitfulness and argues that God doesn't want productivity - He wants and offers connection, relationship and intimacy with him.
"I am the vine; you are the branches.
If you remain in me and I in you,
you will bear much fruit;
apart from me you can do nothin."
John 15:5