Here in the Diocese of Sheffield, as well as in many other communities, there is a special focus on prayer in the 10 days between Ascension Day and the Feast of Pentecost. We are encouraged to give some close attention to our life of prayer and to approach that with a renewed sense of longing and expectation.
In the accounts of the early Church we hear how they discerned vocation and responded to challenges with hope, courage and commitment. Of course our context is very different, but the opportunity to renew our commitment and restore our courage remains.
In these 10 Days of Prayer let us ask for a clear sense of our own calling and giftedness and let us renew our commitment with genuine hope.
“As Christians we are not called to a quiet life, or to keep things ticking over in the life of the Church. We are called to a challenging adventure of discipleship to build up the church of Jesus Christ. This adventure must be underpinned by prayer in order to move up a gear.”
Daily resources are available via the Diocesan website and we warmly invite all to join with us in prayer as we journey towards Sunday 24th May.
Canon Christopher Burke
Vice Dean and Canon Precentor