Credit: Peter Walker Sculptor
Read the update from Chapter’s meeting in November 2022.
It looks increasingly likely that the Cathedral will achieve a break-even position by year end. The shortfall in Voluntary Giving is improving slowly, and ticket sales for the light show are encouraging. In addition to this, 1554 is performing well and continuing to deliver a profit.
Cathedral Music & the National Schools Singing Programme (NSSP)
The Dean and our Development Manager presented the new vision for the Music Department. With funding from the Hamish Ogston Foundation, recruitment of a permanent Director of Music is to go ahead in the new year. This post will support the delivery of the NSSP, which is a requirement of the funding. The five measures of success are:
financial sustainability;
the number of schools engaged;
the total number of children involved in the NSSP;
development of high-quality after-school choirs; and
a focus on the most deprived and marginalised communities in the area
Although the NSSP has worked exclusively with Catholic Dioceses to date, the Cathedral has been chosen as part of an Anglican pilot programme, along with two other Anglican cathedrals. Two key elements of Hamish Ogsten’s vision are sustainability and diversity.
It is envisaged that we will work in partnership with Sheffield Music Hub, which currently organises music education for schools across Sheffield. The Cathedral already engages with around 20 schools, through our Education Programme, and a number of further schools have been identified for future engagement through music with the NSSP.
Canon Missioner
Applications for this post have now closed. There has been interest from across the UK and interviews are scheduled to take place on 7-8 December.
Cathedrals Measure 2021
Under the new Cathedrals Measure, every cathedral will become a registered charity. There is a lot of work to be undertaken in order for this to happen; Canon Geoffrey will take an active role in this process, supported by the COO and Policies Officer. Initial meetings have already taken place with representatives of the Church Commissioners.
The Bishop’s Determination
The Bishop of Sheffield will attend the next meeting of Chapter to look at the progress that has been made in relation to his Determination, which resulted from the Visitation that took place last year.
The next meeting was scheduled for 19th December.