Justin Dodd appointed new Canon Missioner

Sheffield Cathedral is delighted to announce the appointment of a new Canon Missioner and is looking forward to welcoming Justin and his family to South Yorkshire.

Justin was born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa. He trained for ministry and was ordained in the Diocese of Johannesburg in 2007, serving his curacy at St Paul’s Parkhurst, before moving to London in 2009.

Justin’s work and experiences in South Africa, including the role of the local church in the fight against apartheid and the calling to work for reconciliation and justice in society has helped to his experience of faith and priesthood. As the Vicar of St Barnabas Ealing, he was actively involved in community organising and church planting. Some of this work included campaigns for affordable housing and special education needs as well as planting a new worshipping community for young families.  

“I am absolutely delighted to be appointed Canon Missioner. It feels like a call from God into an exciting new season of collaborative ministry. It is a privilege to join the impressive team at the Cathedral under Dean Abi's leadership. What's more, it will be a joy to serve the vibrant city of Sheffield.”  

Justin will bring a wealth of skills and knowledge to his new role. He has degrees in Communication, English Literature and Theology and is currently completing a Doctor of Ministry in sacramental mission and church planting. His long list of interests including contemporary culture, the media, liturgy, social justice, Christian spirituality and sitcoms!

Justin will be joined in Sheffield by his wife Jill and his two boys Gabriel (11) and David (5).